Second House Recipes

  • Ingredients

    For Custard mix:

    35g Strawberry Custard Powder Mix

    45g Sugar

    500g Liquid Milk


    For cup design:

    25-30 pcs Fresh Strawberries

    300g Oats Granola

    Ready Strawberry Custard Mix

  • Preparation

    For 9 – 10 cups of prepared strawberry custard.

    Mix the Strawberry Custard Powder, sugar and liquid milk into a deep saucepan. Stir continuously until boiling point for 3 minutes.

    Stir in the same direction to avoid sticking and burning.

    1- Add oat granola into your desired cup

    2- Then a layer of sliced strawberries

    3- Cover with a considered portion of the ready mix of strawberry custard

    4- Finish with oat granola and sliced strawberries.